


... and then Jesus prayed.

It's Jan. 8th, and I'm sitting in my dear friend Whitney's apartment, ready to make a run to the grocery store and then head over to lab to start working on the 1230947 pages of documentation that's due at the end of the month for le satellite. Two weeks of solitude either in this apartment, in the library, or at the lab since school doesn't start for another two weeks.

And before coming back, I caught myself thinking of what movies I should watch and what books to read or music to buy to occupy my time. Then, "...stupid. duh. read His word."

I'm constantly being reminded of the need and strength of prayer. Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days to simply pray before the start of His ministry. And now, post-urbana, post-winter camp, all these convictions and new ideas and dreams and hopes are meshing in my brain for this next semester. A friend(?) started a sentence at camp with six of my favorite words -- What would it look like if...

... but to get there, what do we need now? prayerrr. Worrd.


Okay I'm a little scared, haha. And it's not like ithaca is exactly the wildnerness. But I feel like God's really challenging and pushing me with how I spend my time these next two weeks. Or more like He's saying, "PRAY WOMAN!" ahahah.. haha... heh, hmm. But yeah. For someone who's usually surrounded by people/events.... maybe this'll be a good change.

Day one.
Here we gooo.

// please tell me to pray and/or read and/or reflect if you see me. or feel free to call or drop an encouraging note :D

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