

book list 2007

... so how'd fall 2006 classes go?

217// .. Okay so this class was really hard, haha. Second installment of the honors physics program, and I certainly was not ready. The only other schools who used the same textbook as we did were like, Berekeley and Stanford and MIT. My professor was a tad condescending, and whenever we asked questions would reply with, "I'm a physicist, not a mathematician," or my favorite, "You're in honors. If you wanted that done, you should've taken 213." Ouch. I'm actually retaking it again next semester as part of my affiliation, so maybe I'll like it better with a new professor :P

264// Mostly a programming class with incredibly long Monday night and Wed. labs. Programmed a ton of stuff using the oscilloscope, C++, thermistors, blah blah... the prof's were really nice though. I'm mostly glad I got this out of the way, haha. I napped a lot during lectures..

294// The last class I'll have with my non EP-kids :( Yeah this class was rough too... I napped a lot in this class too... I also ate lunch during this class a lot too, since I didn't have lunches on Wed. and Fridays. Hmm. Yeah.. at least I'm done with all my required math classes?

100 // Ahh I <3-ed this class. It was my Urban Planning class -- the professor was incredibly, smart, not afraid to stand up for what he believed in, and totally unlike most Eng. professors I know :P My TA tells me I'm really good at this stuff, so maybe it'll be something I do in the future too? We shall see..

490 // Special investigations. I'm starting my senior design project already with le satellite, and it's been really hard, but really interesting. You learn a lot about the general nature of people when you see them in a team setting so often :P

And this semester...


Harper Collins Study Bible (NRSV). -- does anyone actually have a copy of this?
Vibrations and Waves
Introduction to Thermal Physics
Thermal Physics
Physics of Waves
Art of Electronics
Elements of Spacecraft Design

.. and a bunch of lab manuels I have to buy from the bookstore.

okay NON SCHOOL related stuff :D And I'm totally gonna finish them this semester too.

Practical Justice -- Kevin Blue makes me wanna move to the slums of LA and soap box evangelize.
The Good News about Injustice -- a friend kept talking about this book all semester and finally gave me a copy during break, so I guess I have to read it :P
.. the rest of the books I bought at Urbana :D
..... the books I said I was gonna read last semester but didn't finish :D (i.e. invitation to lead, searching for God knows what, etc...)

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