

redemption stories

koo chung . for me

come and walk with me.. i have stories to share. stories of struggle, of pain, of misfourtune. of what it means to give up only to be found, to wrestle only to result in defeat, to strain yet remain stagnant.

i have stories of failure. times where i've messed up, windows of opportunity shattered. stories that sometimes remain too painful to tell. that leave scars, nearly healed wounds.

i have stories of a redemption. i have stories of a saving grace that keeps no record of sins. i have stories of living hope, living faith... i have stories of life.

i have stories of bondage.
and now... i have stories of freedom.

come walk with me.. let me share them with you.

but You'd bear it for me
betraying nails and jeers of scornful man
You'd bear it for me
the hate you never deserved
the crown of thorns upon your head
for me, for me

// what i ended up being led to pray through during quiet time today instead of the study...

4But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. -- ephesians 2:4-5

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