

more than a song

Currently Playing: Hillsong - One Desire

Snapshots --

Pep rally Monday -- 2,400+ kids screaming out "H-I-N-S-D-A-L-E!!" to prep for Pack the Place. Variety Show. Allister/OrchestratedFollies/Mr. Horan's band. Turnabout. Pack the Party. Wondering what it was like at Urbana last year. Wondering what it'd sound like for 2,400+ kids to praise their Creator.

Mornings -- peaceful. Listening to Chris Tomlin, making sure I hadn't forgotten any homework, making coffee if I have time, looking in the mirror as I shove my contacts in and am reminded of the love for this disheveled child of Yours.

AP Brit Lit -- why do we read literature? Perceptives - others can tell you what they see, but they can't see it for you. Reminded me of v. 11. Am being shown more and more of Your miracles through John. Seeing vs. believing... hearing vs. listening.

Schedule -- filled to the brim with little reminders and to-do lists. So full, yet so empty. Tomorrow: yearbook food shopping, more yearbook, dinner, Variety Show. Thursday: Yearbook sophomores deadline. Friday: skits, dinner, Allister.. birthday. Wondering how much of the last 16 years has been just a schedule.

Room -- mess. Comforting mess. Every once in a while, my slightly hypochondriac-y side will come out, and I'll leave my room three hours later with a two trash bags, sneezes from all the dust, nostalgia and a dashboard or howie day song stuck in my head. But for now... the half empty bottle of Windex can stay where it is.

Gradutation -- sigh. June 3.

Music -- lifehouse. What gets replaced in that empty space? The things that'll shouldn't, won't, can't fill that God-shaped hole? For the times when my mind is a jumbled mess. -

too late to hide and too tired to care. take what You've left and forget the rest... take what You see of what's left of me. You know where I've been, and I don't want to go there again.

You're beautiful
You're confusing
You're illogical
You're amazing
and I've seen the world
it's overrated
until You're everything
I have nothing but empty space.

and You -- amazing. Somehow, I stumbled across this yesterday:

Romans 14:13 -- Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. (NIV) You tend to criticize people. But your friends need to hear you like being with them. Your teachers need to be encouraged. Your parents want to know you still love them. Your siblings need to see you care. List five people you could "stop passing judgment on" today.

I don't understand it. I can't believe it. I can't bear looking at my own flaws - which, lately have been more apparent in this mess - yet You comfort me. You've put people in my life who love me... though I mess up time after time. Sigh... thank You, Dad.

It's more than a song: One desire.

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